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Thought leaders and authors share their thoughts on Intentional Living and Giving

Author and co-author of over 150 books
International Living and Giving should be a must-read for anyone desiring to have a lasting impact in their community and in the lives of others. This book unpacks practical biblical truths that help lead to abundant living, giving, and blessing others.

International Speaker and author of 24 books
This new book on biblical stewardship is refreshing, compelling, convicting, and absolutely on point. Please read this book and let God use it to expand your life and His work for the glory of God. I’ve known Larry as a friend for years and worked with him in raising funds. He walks his talk and has helped tens of thousands of people learn these truths and put them to work.

Team Leader for Partner Development, Agape Europe
Meeting Larry was a divine appointment. I was a young administrative leader at Campus für Christus in Switzerland, I was tasked with “raising funds.” I had no idea what I was doing. Larry became my coach and mentor. He biblical truths for me to follow--the same truths that you will find in Intentional Living and Giving. As I began to understand my role as a steward, my heart, spirit, and mind were propelled to an unexpected new purpose for living. I’ve never regretted this transformation one second. While this led to exceptional success in helping fund global ministry initiatives, more importantly, it led me to co-teach more than 63,000 Christians in German-speaking Europe about biblical lifestyle stewardship. I was also blessed to challenge dozens of marketplace leaders in Europe to trust God more by willingly giving away substantially more of their riches than they ever dreamed possible. Generosity led to freedom from bondage. I pray that Intentional Living and Giving will help liberate many individuals from spiritual bondage to the love of money, just as I personally experienced 30 years ago.

Zurich, Switzerland
This book fills a much-needed gap in Christian teaching about giving and receiving as seen through a Biblical worldview, with Christ as the ultimate example of how to give your life away. Practical examples and reflection questions helped me identify where I am in my journey of generosity. Reading this book reminded me of some important truths about faith and how to live a generous life that pleases God and makes a lasting impact. Larry’s stories and clear steps help create a framework that helps me stay on track -- giving my life away to others as God directs me.

President Emeritus, National Network of Youth Ministries
For 25 years, Larry O’Nan worked in the trenches with me as my Board Chair, building the foundations of the National Network of Youth Ministries. He was a mentor to me in many ways, but especially in modeling the principles and practices of biblical stewardship.

Cru Campus
Larry O’Nan invites readers to consider biblical giving and receiving by focusing on God’s heart rather than wallets. This book is more than just seeing biblical principles—it is about seeing God. In addition to its solid theological foundation, the book contains gripping stories of God moving in the lives of everyday people. It’s a fun read.

Founder of World Ministries
This book is challenging, practical, and a pleasure to read. Larry O'Nan's experience shines through, and his stories keep you wanting more. The applications at the end of each chapter help the reader turn thought and conviction into action. Great content for sharing with others through sermons or seminars.

Leadership consultant and retired publishing executive
Stewards are required to be faithful! For five decades, on several continents, Larry O’Nan has helped many individuals, and numerous organizations become faithful stewards. In this book, Larry applies that experience and the wisdom of scripture to help the reader lay a solid foundation and create their personal strategy for achieving faithful and effective stewardship.

Communications Specialist - Agape Europe Partner Development
This book could be one of the most difficult you read but the potential results are new joy and freedom. Understanding these principles could start a revolution in homes, churches, and communities across the globe. This book is a deep devotional study and a practical handbook to a new way of living. If you allow God to use these thoughts, He will touch you in your deepest places as He reshapes your Christian worldview and every aspect of how you live life.

Founder of JumpStart Mentor Training
I have watched Larry bless churches for almost 30 years. His work will help you raise up stewards for the ministry God has given you. It may also challenge you as it has challenged me!

President of Management Development Associates
I have known Larry for over 50 years and have seen the impact that the teachings in this book have made on people's lives. It speaks truth from God's Word and not from an earthly perspective. Change is tough. Applying the principles in what Larry is sharing will change you. It is SO WORTH IT. It is an honor to recommend this book to you!

Jim Dempsey | Director of Ministry Development - Cru U.S. Ministries
This book has quickly become the primary resource for my current and new staff in fund development. For over five decades, Larry O'Nan has proven to be one of the most brilliant minds in teaching biblical lifestyle stewardship and fund development coaching and training. This amazing book chronicles O’Nan’s personal journey from a fundraising neophyte to a master of the art of development. His principles are practical and extremely applicable to any believers who want to be used by God. This is a must-read.

Author, Funding the Family Business | Bangor, Ireland
In today’s ultra-materialistic society, our compass bearing is often dragged towards a life of getting, self-interest, and personal accumulation. In Intentional Living and Giving Larry offers a radical alternative, based on God’s view of the possessions He has entrusted to our care. Larry’s explanation of the biblical principles of stewardship and generosity, along with very practical pointers to help us live out these principles in our daily lives, will give your compass a completely new direction, aiming you towards God’s nature and His purposes for your life.

President or GACX (Global Alliance for Church Multiplication) Global vice president for Cru Global Church Movements Orlando, FL
Over 25 years ago, as an inexperienced national director for Campus Crusade Ethiopia, I attended Larry's teaching on lifestyle stewardship. What he taught ignited a strong conviction in me to boldly raise up lifestyle stewards in Ethiopia that would lead the Ethiopia ministry toward indigenous sustainability and increased fruitfulness. Based on what I learned, I led my team to develop 23 ways of contextually relevant fundraising strategies that enabled us to fund initiatives through local sources. Regardless of your profession or your possessions, applying the principles outlined in this book will ignite the same fire in you that was ignited in me.

CEO of Santa Claus Inc.| San Bernardino, CA
Larry O’Nan’s book, Intentional Living and Giving, is thought-provoking and eloquently presents an expose on the meaning of living for God’s purpose. What is our purpose on earth, how do we balance the purpose that we set for ourselves as opposed to balancing the purpose that God requires of us? What is truly our endgame? Larry’s book is perfect for all who are “undernourished spiritually.”

Lead pastor, Church on The Hill | Riverside, CA
Any person who wants to make a positive impact on this world must do it with intentionality. It will not be by accident. It is not by chance. I love learning from people who are true practitioners like Larry O’Nan. Applying the principles, Larry teaches has influenced and helped me accomplish many of the God-sized dreams and goals He has given to me. If you want to experience a difference in your life and this world, you must get this book.

Podcast Host of Next Gen Nonprofit Leadership with Tommy Thomas Franklin, TN
Over the course of our friendship that began in 1973, Larry has been on this journey to spread the life-changing message of lifestyle stewardship. His analysis of needs, wants, and desires in Chapter 3 is so fitting for our times. May I encourage you to read and digest this book?

CEO/Mission Lead | Transformation Ministries
A life of generosity is a life of freedom. Jesus talked about money and resources more than any other topic because how we spend reveals the true condition of our hearts. Yet, many followers of Jesus have limited or distorted understandings of wealth's role in our lives. This book brings a Biblical perspective to a life of stewardship that leads to joy and Kingdom impact. Larry O’Nan’s text is a solid contribution to a practical theology of discipleship to Jesus through the use of our treasure.

Retired Lead pastor, coach, and mentor.
This book is dripping with real-life wisdom and financial insight. If you go on this journey with Larry, I am confident the rewards will be many! As a pastor for close to four decades, I can assure you that understanding lifestyle stewardship and biblically informed financial principles deeply ingrained will spare believers untold misery and most assuredly will help them live life to the fullest.

Founder and CEO Clarkson Bible Institute | Clarkson, GA
The principles found in this book are greatly needed by Christians today, where the focus today is on “me and what can I get.” We need to understand in a fresh way that God is a giving God, and we are made in His image to be givers. Learn more of what this means by reading this challenging and inspiring book--- that we are to be faithful stewards of what God has provided: time, talent, treasure, truth relationships. Intentional living leads to abundant living!

Church Health Director (retired) | Transformation Ministries |Upland, CA
Years ago, I met Larry O’Nan – we both worked for Christian ministries helping them develop resources. Larry was the expert; I was finding my way. Larry’s expertise was founded on solid Biblical principles. In his book, Larry continues to build on those Biblical concepts to help people understand the freedom that God wants us to have in giving. This book will challenge and strengthen your spiritual walk.

Agage Europe Stewardship and Generosity Project Coordinator | Budapest, Hungary
As I read this book, I understood that stewardship is not an afterthought. Instead, it is the clear mandate God gave me as His follower. This happens by joining the adventure of becoming free from the bondage of selfishness and by helping meet the needs of others. Applying these principles will lead to a life of contentment.

Lawrence and Schiller, Inc | Sioux Falls, SD
I’ve watched Larry O’Nan advance many ministries exponentially. He takes apart a complex situation piece by piece and then develops a Spirit-inspired reconstruct that connects with the hearts of donors. He is a remarkably talented man and a true soldier of the cross.

Executive Director and CEO | National Network of Youth Ministries
Larry is looking into God’s culture of abundant living through stewardship. He encourages us to understand why we give and teaches God’s example of giving, and how we should follow.

Partnership Development Trainer and Coach | Utrecht, The Netherlands
In this book, Larry O'Nan is handing us extraordinary keys to some of the most important locks in our lives. Imagine being plugged into God's unlimited resources and not choosing to live by that grace! The exercises at the end of each chapter will make you think hard. But the good news is, it is a liberating work as we lay down our lives for Jesus and ask Him to be the source for our lives.

Author, "The Light from Above" | Tucker, GA
No one can tell you how or where to give your money. You need to determine that for yourself. In this book, Larry O'Nan gives you a time-tested way to do just that. You are about to embark on a life changing adventure.

Partner Development Coach for Agapé Europe | Founder, Let’s Go! Children’s Ministry
Fifteen years ago, Larry taught me the principles of stewardship, which are found in this book. I have realized that stewardship and discipleship are two sides of a coin for a follower of Christ. The teaching about stewardship helps us to give hands and feet to the gospel and be relevant as the body of Christ in this world.

Ministry Partner Development Coach | East Africa/ Horn of Africa
Larry O’Nan has been one of the leaders who has invested immensely in helping believers here in Africa grow in maturity and generosity. Larry became a friend and mentor. What he imparted to me I am now imparting to others as I train and mentor young believers to apply God’s principles of biblical lifestyle stewardship in the Horn of Africa.

Chief Executive Officer | PCEP Global Publications, Inc.
The principles you will find in this book will help you open doors that will lead to personal blessings, purpose, and contentment. The key for a sustainable ministry in this generation is to help make stewardship a deep-seated values system. This book will be a powerful tool in helping to advance the Lord’s work.

Systems Development leader Cru Global Partner Development Team- Budapest, Hungry
This is a thought-provoking book that strikes an excellent balance between biblical principles, powerful real-life stories of God's blessings, and practical insights into how to effectively steward resources. The book's flow, moving from joyful stories to deep self-reflection, is a captivating journey that leaves readers pondering on their own roles as stewards. Today, where materialism and consumerism overshadow spiritual values, this book provoked me to define a personal "theology" on how I am to steward God's resources. My eyes and mind were opened to see more from a Kingdom perspective.

Team Leader for Digital Strategies Cru Hungary, Budapest
Intentional Living and Giving is a book that puts the focus on God and others around you rather than focusing on yourself. Highly recommended to read and to live it out!

Director of Development, Lititz Area Mennonite School | Founder of Kingdom Giving Solutions
Larry was one of the trailblazers in defining the biblical meaning of stewardship. His searching of the scriptures led him to develop a holistic and biblical philosophy of raising funds. This philosophy and approach has been taught to many and has impacted many ministries, and countless men and women engaged in stewardship ministries. I am one of those people, and I am truly grateful for the impact and influence Larry has had on my life.

VP Church Health and Development | Transformation Ministries
Generously laced with scripture and filled with heart-touching personal antidotes, Larry has masterfully shared a personalized and immensely inspiring experience for you and me to embrace a lifestyle of Intentional Living and Giving….as God intended for us from the beginning of time.

Business Professional | Delray Beach, FL
In this book, Larry O'Nan shares valuable principles straight from God's Word, but often hidden beneath a load of tradition and cultural baggage. These pages will challenge you with a new way of living--a life beyond the norm that is packed with incredible adventures. You will learn to link with God's plan and live life fully.
Have You Read The Book?
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